About Table Talk CHEF

Bringing to the dining table as tableware, rich in aroma, taste, and visual appeal of ingredients. We've created professional-grade and functional tableware to suit everyday use in modern dining. It adds an element of specialness to home settings, just like the chefs in restaurants.

Creating an Atmosphere of the Extraordinary

We have created tableware designed for everyday use that incorporates the quality of professional-grade and functional utensils, fitting seamlessly into modern dining lifestyles. It brings a touch of sophistication to your home, much like a chef in a restaurant.

Our Company - Awasaka inc.

If you imagine the tabletop industry of 100 years future,
how could you think?
Actually, I cannot answer exactly,
because the world will change so fast, even right now.

How about our dietary life of us?
I cannot answer about this question either,
but it is fun to imagine.
The eating habits of humans will change dynamically, too.

However, I can imagine that people still enjoy eating with their favorite person at their favorite time.

I can imagine there is a smile and a warm favorite cooking on the table,
with heart-warming plates and bowls.

It is supposed to be a strong relationship between plates and food.
We want to support people living abundantly.

Table Talk CHEF Collection