It is a Japanese brand of bags. We offer bags that bloom like flowers, perfect for special occasions, embodying the concept of "ichigo ichie" (once-in-a-lifetime encounters). Please wear them as you would an accessory.

A Bag that Feels Like an Accessory

We offer bags that bloom like flowers on special occasions, embodying the concept of "ichigo ichie" (treasuring unique moments). Please wear them like an accessory.

Our Company - Iwasa Co., Ltd.

Iwasa Co., Ltd., founded in 1928, has a long history of upholding Japan’s traditions and culture through the production of hanao (thong straps), zori, and formal bags for traditional attire. In an era of diverse fashion, Iwasa continues to value what remains constant: dignified appearances in formal settings and a deep respect for decorum. The company is committed to providing high-quality, long-lasting products, crafted with meticulous care, which reflects Japan’s aesthetic sensibility. Iwasa takes pride in its artisan culture and invests in the development of future craftspeople.

SHINCA Collection